Atopic dermatitis is a condition of the skin that causes a red, itchy, and scaly rash to appear. This condition is very similar to eczema and is a long term condition; however, the presence of the rash can come and go with periodic flaring. This condition generally appears in childhood but can affect individuals of all ages. Many times, flaring can be caused by specific irritants such as soaps, detergents, or other skin products. Although atopic eczema can affect any part of the body, it most often affects the hands, insides of the elbows, backs of the knees, and the face and scalp. It is typical for sufferers to experience periods of severe symptoms and periods when they are less noticeable.
Atopic dermatitis is typically managed with topical treatments and dermatological studies are required to demonstrate the efficacy and safety of innovative product formulations. These studies must be objective and meet strict clinical controls, underpinned by robust primary outcome measurements.
Our dermatologists are experienced in the assessment of clinical outcomes for symptoms relevant to atopic dermatitis including assessment of affected skin area, intensity of the affected area, measurement of itch/discomfort, or perception of itch in patients. We also provide an assessment of the duration of the skin lesions and clinical remission obtained after treatment. With regular, structured calibration programs we ensure consistency amongst assessors and provide robust data to measure variability in clinical outcome measures among and between our assessors which enables optimization of our clinical assessment processes.
To learn more about Atopic Dermatitis Studies at GLRG contact us today at (989) 895-9100.